What is the Allplan Software?
Allplan Architecture is one of the best design solutions in India for building design and construction. Due to a direct connection to the cloud-based BIM platform, Allplan Software is a complete BIM solution (up to BIM level 3). You can work either completely in 3D or combined in 2D and 3D, which has advantages, especially in planning and implementation with Allplan Software. The strength of Allplan Architecture lies in the reliability and precision across all planning phases, especially in quantity takeoff. A large selection of interfaces, including IFC import and export, ensures a secure data exchange with a planning partner.
Allplan Architecture ensures consistent and correct labeling of objects within sections and views. Since the labeling is linked with the information in the BIM model, all changes are automatically updated in all of the sections and views linked with the model. With the combination of Allplan Architecture and the BIM platform Allplan Bimplus, you can easily handle the exchange of thousands of pieces of information in BIM projects. You can use Allplan Bimplus to centrally define information and then use it in different systems and disciplines throughout the entire life cycle of a building.
Features of Allplan Software:
Allplan architecture is suitable for all small, medium and large architecture businesses. It is used by organizations like SMEs, enterprise, Govt PSUs, Start-ups, agencies, etc. It is easy to use and has a user-friendly interface that can integrate with the existent technology. Allplan architecture can be customized to fit your business needs and enables users to attain high performance and better productivity for different domains. “
Allplan Architecture Price:
The price of Allplan Architecture depends upon the requirements stated by the customer. For more information regarding the price and feature of the software, please request a call. Our sales team will contact you at the earliest possibility.
Benefits of Allplan Architecture:
Allplan Architecture provides following benefits to its users:
- BIM-assisted Design
- Flexibility in Designing
- High Level Visualization
- Highly Precisive Working Models
- Reliable Quantity Take-off
- Seamless Data Exchange
- Flexibility of Application
- Optimized Teamwork
- Rapid Productivity
- Supports 4K and Ultra HD
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